Exams at TECDA
Here at TECDA, we hold 2 exam sessions a year, with the ISTD. We also hold an annual UKDCC medal test event and LAMDA singing exams.
Our UKDCC session usually takes place each November / December, where all children are invited to take exams.
Our ISTD sessions take place in February and June. These exams are for selected children who attend extra coaching and graded classes.
LAMDA singing exams are booked directly through our singing teacher.

We understand that not all children want to commit to lots of extra lessons and our UKDCC session is perfect for this with simpler, shorter exams in ballet, tap, jazz, contemporary and commercial. Those who have a desire to train more intensely and take dance more seriously are considered for our ISTD sessions which are more involved exams where in depth knowledge, performance and technique are required.
For students not wishing to take exams, or for students who attend classes where exams are not available, merit certificates are presented. Everyone will receive a certificate for their effort and attendance each year.
We hold a prize giving party every Christmas where exam certificates and / or merit certificates are presented. We also give prizes to students who have worked hard and improved throughout the school year.
We have had some exceptionally high scores for ISTD examinations, with 90% of our candidates achieving distinctions. Some examples of our results (this list is certainly not exhaustive):
Elena Scott 99% Grade 6 Ballet
Megan Finan 97% Grade 6 Modern
Elena Scott 95% Grade 3 Ballet
Carmen Booth 94% Intermediate Modern
Lucy Steward 94% Intermediate Modern